[Neue Studie] - The State Of Social

Der größte Social Insights Report seiner Art -
Insights aus 5 Branchen und über 500 Marken

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The team that top brands trust for critical insights

As the leader in media intelligence for global enterprises, our expertise and innovative tech revolutionizes critical insights to keep you ahead in today’s omnichannel world.

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How it works

Brandwatch + Cision

Managing brand reputation is harder than ever in today’s volatile, fast-moving media environment. With our collective expertise, extensive dataset, and advanced technologies, we can help you unlock insights with the full picture, at the right time, in the right context, to make confident, bold business decisions with clarity and assurance.

Why Brandwatch?

World class partnership

Unlock the full potential of your global organization with our consultancy team. Our global in-market teams transform data into critical insights, giving you the power to deeply understand, accurately measure and effectively optimize business strategies.

With teams strategically positioned across 24 countries spanning the Americas, EMEA, and APAC regions, we deliver tailored support, across time zones and languages, and ensure round-the-clock availability, 365 days a year.

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Why Brandwatch?

Smartest platform

When it comes to understanding consumers, businesses choose Brandwatch ahead of any other tool. Now, we’ve expanded its capabilities to create a single source of truth across paid, earned, social and owned media.

Plus, with AI integrated in new ways, and real-time reporting accessible to all stakeholders. Our platform empowers you to gain deeper insights and make informed decisions faster than ever before.

Why Brandwatch?

Most extensive dataset

By combining Cision and Brandwatch’s datasets, we offer the most extensive collection of media sources and networks to monitor news, trends, and conversations globally.


Media monitoring across 196 countries in 69 languages.


Over 100 million media and digital sources, with millions of new pieces added daily.


Access premium global content from the most authoritative news sources.


Unified data environment enables owned and third-party data integration.

Brandwatch image

Why Brandwatch?

Ohne Brandwatch Dienstleistungen
Mit Brandwatch Dienstleistungen

Incomplete siloed data leads to fragmented insights

Gain the full picture with a comprehensive, omnichannel view of data

Out-of-date manual reporting results in delayed decision-making

Access insights at the right time through a single, real-time platform

Misleading AI insights can be dangerously off-the-mark without supervision

Understand data in the right context with curation by industry experts

Ohne Brandwatch Dienstleistungen

Incomplete siloed data leads to fragmented insights

Out-of-date manual reporting results in delayed decision-making

Misleading AI insights can be dangerously off-the-mark without supervision

Mit Brandwatch Dienstleistungen

Gain the full picture with a comprehensive, omnichannel view of data

Access insights at the right time through a single, real-time platform

Understand data in the right context with curation by industry experts

Schedule your free consultation

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* Pflichtfeld

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* Pflichtfeld

Book a meeting to get started

Speak to an expert to find out how Brandwatch will change the way you work.

Our experts will:

  • Discuss your organization’s challenges and goals

  • Give you a personalized demo of Brandwatch’s platform

  • Show how robust insights can protect and grow your brand

Unsere Partner

Falcon.io ist jetzt Teil von Brandwatch.
Sie sind hier richtig!

Bereits Kundin oder Kunde?Loggen Sie sich im Login Menü oben auf der rechten Seit ein, um auf Ihre Falcon Produkte und Daten zuzugreifen.Noch keine Kundin oder Kunde?Sie finden die ehemaligen Falcon Produkte unter “Social Media Management”, wenn Sie in der Navigation auf “Unsere Suite” klicken.

Paladin is now Influence.
You're in the right place!

Brandwatch acquired Paladin in March 2022. It's now called Influence, which is part of Brandwatch's Social Media Management solution.Want to access your Paladin account?Use the login menu at the top right corner.